Marshwood crowned Quad Kids champions!
Marshwood Crowned Quad Kids champions!
Marshwood Primary School won the acorn academy quad kids event which was held at Chardstock Primary School last evening in glorious sunshine. Chardstock, Axminster and Mrs Ethelstons all entered a KS1 team. The children were in teams of 5 and each child participated in a range of throwing, jumping and running races and earned points for their schools before the event was finished by a team relay. Special mention to Marcus (Axminster), Lily and Ben (Marshwood), Ruby (Chardstock) and Betsy (Mrs Ethelstons) who were chosen by Mr Troman and Mr Jarad for outstanding individual performance throughout the event. The results were as follows:
1st - Marshwood - 295 points
2nd - Mrs Ethelstons- 286 points
3rd - Axminster - 284 points
4th - Chardstock - 234 points
We are looking forward to our next acorn academy event which is taking place on Tuesday 5th June at Axminster Primary School which is Year 3/4 Olympic event.
Lastly we still have spaces left on our holiday programmes that we are running at Axminster Primary School on the 29th, 30th and 31st of May between 8.30-3.30 st a cost of £15 per child. The children will have the opportunity to choose their own programme for the day which will includes 14-17 different sports as well as winning Primary Sport merchandise. Please contact Marc Troman on 07976979202 or via email for more details.
Posted on May 18th 2018