Safeguarding/Safer Recruitment
All our current staff have COMPLETED Level 2 Safeguarding TRAINING and we regularly provide our own refresher training to ensure standards are maintained and any new developments are understood.
We have a thorough Child Protection policy which has been approved by leading professionals within the safeguarding sector
We have a rigorous recruitment process which includes a formal interview, practical session and enhanced DBS check. Any areas for development are identified and addressed through a shadow programme which is undertaken before employment commences
Our seven directors of the company are all Level 3 trained and are Designated Safeguarding Officers in their areas of the South West
All coaches have also completed PREVENT and allergy training. For Summer 2020, all coaches have completed an online COVID-19 awareness training course
All of our coaches have a clear enhanced DBS through Primary Sports and references are sought before employment
Coaches are required to abide by risk assessments for each activity which are written in association with advice from OFSTED, local authorities and national governing bodies. These are reviewed regularly to ensure we continue to provide the best care for all children