Woolacombe Primary School- KS1 Multi Sports After School Club

Primary Sports and Education will be running a Multi-skills after- school programme at Woolacombe Primary School this half term for ALL KS1 CHILDREN. The Session:

Tuesdays – 3.15-4.15

During this extended time, children will participate in a range of different sports such as Football, Tennis, Dodgeball, Gymnastics and Tag-Rugby. Children will learn the basic games, skills and techniques within each sport. Sessions will cover the basics of agility, balance, co-ordination, speed and spatial awareness.Certificates and prizes will be given out to the children at the end of the programme.

The sessions are run by a sports coach from Primary Sports & Education, Mr Heafield and all information provided will be passed on to our staff to ensure the safety of your child.

All sessions are delivered in accordance with the current government guidelines related to COVID-19. If you have any further questions about the after school club, please contact your sports coach, Mr Heafield via email:


Booking the initial date below covers 6 sessions weekly, from Tuesday 18th April 2023 - Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Multi-Sports could result in a child being injured. Primary Sports and Education will accept no liability.

Woolacombe Primary School- KS1 Multi Sports After School Club  (18/04/2023)

Woolacombe Primary School- KS1 Multi Sports After School Club (18/04/2023)

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