Extended Provision
Active Mornings – build relationships between parents and school; engagement of children prior to start of school day; schools have highlighted the link between this programme and children’s performance in the classroom
Active Lunch – we work alongside mealtime assistants to cater for a range of activities for the children to do, such as Young Leaders/Ambassadors programmes, inter-class competitions, circuit training focusing on fun, running clubs
Active Clubs – a wide range of traditional and non-traditional sports focusing on participation, Gifted and Talented, school sports teams, Young Leaders.

Active Clubs
Active clubs can be parent funded or paid for by school sports / PP funding. Primary Sports take full responsibility for all admin associated with clubs.
Examples of our most popular Active Clubs:
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- KS1 Multi-Skills
- Invasion – Netball, Tag Rugby, Football, Uni-hoc, Quicksticks, Dodgeball
- Striking and Fielding – Cricket, Rounders, Baseball, Softball
- Net and Wall – Tennis, Badminton
Active Mornings
We provide a range of low-intensity activities to support parents looking for a safe and structured environment for their children prior to the school day. clubs are run on the school site with schools providing any food provision. Children are prepared mentally and emotionally to give them the best, focused start their school day.
Active Lunch
We work with MTAs and playtime staff to create an active playground which encourages fun, activity and a variety of inclusive games for all children. We provide CPD to help educate in skills and knowledge to allow current school staff to develop playtimes. This productive play leads to a decrease in negative behaiours, an imprved engagement in afternoon learning
We work with the older students in the school to create a Young Leaders Team, who take responsibility for providing additional activities for younger pupils.
Active Clubs
We can provide a wide range of Active Clubs in a large variety of sports and activities. The focus of these are tailored to meet the needs of each individual school.
Whether these are used to provide wrap-around care or to allow extension to learning for Gifted & Talented children, we adapt all sessions so that every individual can learn. As well as the more traditional Active Clubs, we are starting to see children participating in a wider range of non-traditional sports such as tchoukball, futsal and many more.