Areas of Development within a session
Our CURRICULUM programmes focus on the fundamentals of physical development which mirrors the NATIONAL CURRICULUM and EYFS CRITERIA, USING NATIONAL GOVERNING BODIES' ADVICE AND GUIDANCE
Using the 4 principles of the EYFS model, our sessions encourage positive relationships, enabling environments, learningand development through sport while focus on each individual and unique child through active play.
We use a variety of different activities and games to develop fine and gross motor skills, personal, social and emotional development, communication and language
Following the National Curriculum for KS1, we help pupils develop their running, jumping, throwing and catching skills as well as their balance, agility and co-ordination, applying these to a wide range of different sports and team games including dance and gymnastics. We also help develop simple tactics for attacking and defending and engage them in competitive and co-operative sports, working individually as well as with others
Lower KS2
Pupils continue to develop a broader range of skills, linking them into sequential actions and movements. They are taught to enjoy competition and collaboration alike while learning to improve in a range of different activities and sports.
Through a combination of these, pupils will develop their running, jumping, throwing and catching while developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
Upper KS2
Pupils will develop a deeper understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and recognise how to evaluate their own success. They will take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and in a team and compare and contrast their performances with previous ones to demonstrate their improvements to achieve personal bests.
They play competitive games and apply more advanced attacking and defending principles, tactical awareness and taking responsibility in officiating games
Areas of Development within a session

At Primary Sports, we pride ourselves on the delivery and content of our sessions, mirroring the structure applied by teachers.
Each session starts with a warm up which clearly links to the Learning Objective. This will include links to prior learning and how it can be used in the session. Key Stage 2 children will learn how exercise and diet affect their bodies and how they can keep healthy with a focus on the cross-curricular science learning about the human body.
The children are given clear Steps to Success through differentiated challenges and progressions to develop at their own level using technical vocabulary of the individual sports. Each session, using the new OFSTED Framework of Intent, Implementation and Impact to a give a clear structure.
Primary Sports love to celebrate positive learning behaviours by offering certificates to pupils who show improvement in our 4 key learning areas:
- Perseverance
- Attitude
- Sportsmanship
- Leadership
Planning & Assessment
We have over 250 session plans, covering 40 different sports, which have been designed in accordance with The National Curriculum and National Governing Body Guidelines. The planning meets the requirements of the new OFSTED Framework and is tailored for each individual class. Our planning also includes cross-curricular links to other subject areas.
Schools access these plans through our secure online portal where individualised assessment spreadsheets are uploaded on a half-termly basis for teachers to gain easy access to simple assessment data. Individual coaches can be contacted by class teachers so that personal feedback can be given for each class or individual pupil.